Tuesday, January 5, 2010

About to leave Courtenay

Well its 0500 and I have been awake since 0400. Tanya is giving off too much heat so if I can't snuggle, no sense lying wide awake.

I'm definitely not near as nervous as I was pre India and pre Africa. All Im really concerned about is how much money this will cost and if Jonny and I will get along for the whole 9 days (he's there Jan 6-15th). I have feeling price will be no object for him and I dont want him to pay for me. I will want to spend time haggling and looking for good deals on eg surf rental and scooter rental. He's already talked me into 6 days into a fancy hotel where he will generously pay 70% (I am still paying 300% more than my planned hostel stay). I cancelled my hostel reservation. Who knows maybe I wouldn't have lasted in a 6-room dormitorio anyway.

As far as the humanitarian side of the trip goes I have no idea whats in store. I have one tour booked with a Rotary club to see their projects,and half my luggage is gifts for Suzanne's orphanage. I am meeting Bob the Painter just before I board the ferry this morning; he is going to give me contacts to see his projects down there. this may well lead to something interesting. Then of course i will visit a few Rotary clubs which may also produce results.

Unfortunately I have no aquaculture tours booked. I hope they have something down there but I doubt it; nothing comes up in my research.

I have 21 days to fill so there is opportunity to have some unplanned stuff happen. I am also hoping to do a bit of a boot camp while there. Morning and evening runs. We shall see. If it's cheap I would like to surf alot and rent scooters to get around. I also want to try alot of serious barefoot running to strengthen my feet and improve my form. This of course is inspired by the pro barefoot running book "Born to Run" by Chris McDougal that I just read.

Will I get fit? Hold onto my now 5 day resolution to be vegan? We shall see.